Sunday, August 22, 2010

Idling during the classes

The following piece actually came out, when I was attending the last BS or Behavioural Sciences class. It was in MCHV and the room being a circular one has horrible acoustics. The subject though was quite intriguing but it miserably failed to keep my sleepy eyes open let alone hold my 'intrigue'. I was dosing on and off in the class and then realised that the prof is catching people falling asleep. (Omkar actually woke me up ! But, he jsut returned past favours !! :D)

By that time, I was not interested to pay any attention and was wondering how to kill the time. I saw Omkar writing something and it gave me the idea. It started with the BS class but helped me even in the Environment and Development class as well !! :)

Without further ado, I humbly present:-

I was standing there
My heart full of tormenting emotions
I was pulp. I was stone.
But I managed not to show.

She was happy. She was sad,
An apparent contradiction she had.
She talked. She smiled.
But her eyes did not shine.

She hugged me warm. She hugged me tight.
Her breath rustled through my hair.
Quietly, I stood there upright.
And then, fled away from her silent stare.

I have not given it a name, people can suggest me one.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Byomkesh Bakshi Review

Yesterday, I went to see the much hyped, the much awaited and eagerly anticipated movie, 'Byomkesh Bakshi' (based on the novel 'Aadim Ripu') by Anjan Dutta. I am always an ardent fan of this bengali 'satyanweshi' or sleuth right from my childhood. He differentiated himself in all his cases from other popular characters like feluda. For a detective, he fell in love with a girl (Satyaboti) during the investigation of a case and later married her and is the proud father of a little boy. In his life, he has never used firearms and uses his 'little grey cells' (As Agatha Christie might had put :) ) to solve all his cases.

The movie has successfully captured the true essence of Byomkesh and what I best liked about it that the sidekick Ajit (played by Saswata Chatyopadhyay) also had a role and was not just dragged around Byomkesh. The movie is presented through the eyes of Ajit and anecdoted by his occasional monologues (which I think could have been avoided). Abir Chatyopadhyay as Byomkesh was brilliant. He played the role with conviction and ease. Rudranil Ghosh also played his part well as the meek Prabhat Halder who is always shy and cannot speak up for himself. Others have also chipped in quite well and delivered good performances. Apart from acting, the cinematography is great and so is the background score. The song lipped by Swastika (as Shiuli) is a real nice one and well portrayed as well. The film remains faithful to the story and has avoided all possible remakes including action adventures and chase sequences and has also maintained a decent pace.

But on the con side I have a few complaints. It was a good movie but an average kind of a detective movie. I mean all the facts were not crisply presented to the audience so I don't think that the audience was also trying to deduce and investigate. It did not follow the golden rule of Satyajit Ray. He had argued that to catch the repeat audience, you have to tell him explicitly that who had committed the crime and then make the chase after the criminal interesting and entertaining to capture audience attention. Till now, I have no idea what the first scene of stabbing wanted to convey.

But, all in all, if you enjoy a good film and/or love Byomkesh, you'll definitely enjoy this one.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Post Mid term

Hello, once again!! As promised earlier, I'll be bombarding my frustrations and anguish through this platform and will try and search for my lost sanity.

Prior mid term, I thought, okay, lets just go with the flow and try to stay afloat. After the mid term I'll try and reorganise things so that I'll be in a better position to gather knowledge as well as score well in exams.

Till now, I have horribly failed!

Why ? Primarily, as I see, lack of discipline is the main culprit. I  have to cutdown on all the things that waste time and is not at all productive in any way. But why am I unable to do that ? Because, almost all the things that will bear the brunt, are part of my favourite activities, like chatting, (over net or phone, sometimes both!), surfing the net, watching movies etc. Moreover, the atmosphere here, is like, something or the other is always going on and if you fail to match up the pace, you'll be tossed behind. Thank God, I did not get in IIMA, I have heard that compared to it, C is rather chilled!

Writing a bad exam has almost become a norm now and not surprisingly my senses have grown numb. But, yesterday, the stats quiz has given me a jolt. It went horribly bad, but that is not the point. The point is, I was sitting blank in the hall, for most of the time, wondering what to do with the questions! I was dejected, disappointed and sad. What have I done to myself? I was never a very good student but I took pride in me whatever I knew I could do and this is definitely not something beyond my reach or capability. Then why each time the same cycle of events?

Well, I think the time has come to be a lot more strict with myself. I hope that will do. But, I fear another thing. Sometimes, I wonder, if the last 6 years (4 in undergrad in JU and 2 in TCS) has robbed me of my intelligence and agility to perform. But then again,  then again I do not think that sheer luck can bring anyone to IIMC in the first place. That is the only hope I have now and that gives me strength to fight.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Aisha Review

This weekend I was actually planning to catch Udaan or Once upon a time in Mumbai but me and my friend planned to catch the matinee show which was not available. Though she was harping on watching 'Eclipse' but I persuaded her to watch Aisha.

Why did I do it!!!

The movie basically is a collage of every romantic movie (hit or otherwise) you can think about. You can find, 'Clueless', 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na',  'DDLJ' among others. But the director Rajshree Ojha actually forgot to cook. She just put in the scenes one after another and we were just watching a train of incidents, rarely connected with one another. Though, it had all the material to be a good rom-com set in the high society of the capital city.

In the opening we find, the characters are being introduced and Aisha's motto of life, to be a matchmaker (because she wants to help people, most married men will disagree I suppose (wink)) revealed. Thereafter, the characters just come, deliver the wafer thin dialogues and go. After a very dragging 1st half, things actually begin to move somewhere in the second. Aisha realises that things are not turning up the way she wants them to be and people are finding matches on their own, not chosen by her. Things start to rush and we see that all the people are settling down quickly with their loved ones. Even Aisha also realises that she is in love too!

I have to mention about the cinematography and the music. The scenes of river rafting, camping in the woods etc were very well shot. The title track, 'Shaam' among others were good to listen to. The costume designing was also perfectly done with the bright show of trendy outfits but sometimes the characters were resembling models more than being actors. The actors especiall Sonam Kapoor was very true to her role. She acted well and was given support by Abay Deol and others as well. There were few moments of situational comedy as well when Aisha professes her love at a marriage reception, which wasn't the venue.

But Alas! All these good things could not support from sinking. The main reason, pathetic screenplay and too much mushy mushy things which I suppose youngsters in Delhi do not do. One example: at one time, Aisha is liking Dhruv and finds him kissing Aarti, Arjun's(Abhay Deol) colleague. After being confronted, Dhruv tells Aisha that, he liked her, but she did not respond. So, life goes on. Actually, the dialogues were not at all believable and we do not say that way in our life.

Overall, I thank God, that I did not go to a multiplex to see it! Even 70 bucks seems too much!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I never thought, that one day I'll also join the blog bandwagon.. Never saw myself to be a follower of trends.. Some of my friends have rebuked me, time and again, for my archaic(?) and not so stylish (or 'in') attires... But, it's not like I do not like to write. I love to play with words, be it writing poems or solving anagrams.. typing on ms wordsheet or penning down on a paper.. neither dissuades me.. but, the very thought that it takes time and considerable effort, has always provoked me to take the easy way out.. Then suddenly, what am I doing here? May be, finally my passion of writing has surpassed my lethargy or blogging is not that much a 'trendy' thing to do now! :P

Regarding the URL

I rummaged my brain for all possible names or words, but each time was disheartened to see that it was already taken. I was thinking to try 'frustrated', but then again, if I saw that, that was taken too, my frustration would have no more bounds! JIT2SHIT actually ensembles my current situation. Right now, am a student in IIMC, where my life's philosophy has changed from JIT(just in time) to SHIT(somehow in time)!! So, in essence I would try to capture that transition. Hope, will get support of fellow bloggers in doing so.

Signing off for now....